
Big Art Experience

Big Art

Sculpture by the dozen and art by the ton! WTF is inviting large and small installation artists from all over the west coast to gather together and show their stuff. Forget about stodgy museums and "please do not touch the art" signs... This is your opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the biggest names from Burning Man and beyond. Climb it, touch it, interact with it! The Big Art experience welcomes all colorful comers, and invites participants to create some of their own.

Outdoor Hookah Lounge

Hookah Lounge

Starting late in the afternoon, just as the heat of the day starts to break, the Hookah Lounge provides a relaxing chill zone with amazing vistas of all the surrounding property and performance stages. Enjoy a refreshing hookah pipe with a group of friends or just take in the scenery and watch the sunset with like-minded gypsies and luxuriating vagabonds. Complete with Mirkesh style rugs and abundant pillows that set the vibe for conversation and relaxation, the Hookah lounge is a place of refuge when the festival gets a little too awesome and you need to take a step back to simpler times.

Splash Pool & Sandy Beach

Splash Pool

Cool down in the giant splash pool, replete with overflowing fountains of natural spring-fed water. Once you’ve frolicked and splashed to your heart's content, take a break on the surrounding sandy beach to relax, lay out, dance or just listen to some of your favorite DJs on the poolside stage. If the sun is too hot, pile under under a beach umbrella or move to one of the surrounding shaded beach loungers. Do your body right!

Eye-Popping Performances

Eye-Popping Performances

Featuring a nightly performance troupe, WTF is dedicated to the innovative and avant garde performers who add so much color to our festival experience. From feathered dance to mind-bending circus acts and everything in between, this is the chance to get your live performance fix in an awesome outdoor setting. We will also host roving costumed entertainers for your interactive pleasure. Beware the talking flowers! Don't feed the mischevious clowns! Or else you just might end up running away with the circus yourself...

Activity & Workshop Deck

Activity Deck

If you’re an early riser, this is the place to grab a sunrise yoga session. If you get up late, join us for the sunset yoga stretch! Need to move a little more? Take a class in some high energy dance! If you'd rather stimulate your mind, opportunities abound for intriguing panel discussions. Make a statement!

OMG Lounge

OMG Lounge

For OMG Experience pass holders, a quick hike up the hill directly behind main stage will bring you into a magical world of amazing vistas and relaxing chill zones completely surrounded with music, as well as surprise performances from some of our favorite DJs and musicians. Designed as an exclusive experience for the inner hedonist, you can bask in our garden of earthly delights. We are at your service! More details on the OMG Experience page.

Oasis Spa & Shower

Oasis Sauna

Refresh yourself at the Oasis! The Oasis is a unique and inspiring mobile bathhouse environment that consists of a customizable arrangement of “modules," including showers, sauna, and grooming station. The Oasis is a luxurious way to start your day or get ready for the night. Learn more at the Oasis Facebook page

Picnic Art Gallery

Feast your eyes on and get lost in the Picnic Art Gallery. We will be featuring art from a number of amazing regional artists. More details coming soon!


You definitely won't go hungry at What The Festival. There will be a wide variety of quality, local food vendors catering to your every craving. Check out the Marketplace page for more details (coming very soon!).


This is your chance to buy fresh gear and crafts from some of the region's most amazing designers and creators. More details on the available goods on the Marketplace page (coming very soon!).

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